Celebrate Earth Day 3 easy ways

Earth Day is celebrated world-wide every year on April 22. This year, the official theme of Earth Day 2022 is Invest In Our Planet. What Will You Do?

We’ve collected a few simple actions below to help you celebrate:

    • Stop – think – recycle

      Many things that end up in landfills take decades to decompose – and some of those materials could have been recycled! For instance, a plastic bottle that winds up in a landfill can take 450 years to break down. Before throwing something away, be sure to read on packaging or labels disposal and recycling instructions.

    • Plant a tree

      Trees help filter air by absorbing carbon dioxide and producing oxygen. Trees also provide habitats and food for many species of wildlife. Don’t know where or how to plant a tree? You can donate a tree through The Canopy Project on EarthDay.org!

    • Educate yourself and others

      Everyone can make a positive difference for the future of Earth – take some of the quizzes at EarthDay.org to learn more and test your knowledge about different efforts to preserve and protect our planet.

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