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Juno’s thought leadership blog where we tackle the latest topics affecting the globe.
Featured Articles
Need a Waste Technology Facility? Consider These Key Factors.
← Back to Trash Talk January 7, 2025 When choosing a waste technology facility, decision makers must navigate a complex landscape. Municipalities and officials are charged with identifying and implementing efficient, cost-effective, sustainable solutions to manage...
Roadmap to Obtaining the Highest Recycling Rate in the UK
← Back to Trash Talk December 5, 2024 Juno, our breakthrough waste recovery technology, is able to recover up to 90% of materials it processes, diverting them from landfills and incinerators and helping to reduce carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e) emissions. With Juno’s...
The Life of Waste: From the Black Bag to Beyond
← Back to Trash Talk June 26, 2024 Imagine you’re a piece of waste – let’s say, a paper cup. Your journey doesn’t end in the black plastic bag; it’s just the beginning. Today, we’re going to follow your path through traditional disposal methods and compare it with...
Juno® Technology LCA Reveals Carbon Reduction Potential
← Back to Trash Talk January 16, 2024 Communities around the globe have been looking for ways to manage residual waste that have a lower environmental impact than alternatives like landfill and energy-from-waste. We think Juno can be a solution that provides a lower...
Enhancing the Waste Hierarchy with Juno
← Back to Trash Talk December 14, 2023 When thinking about ways to make a positive environmental impact, people are quick to bring up “recycling” and its sustainable sidekicks “reduce” and “reuse”. So much so, that it may even seem like the very words are recycled...
Lost & Found: Treasure in Trash at Juno Oregon
← Back to Trash Talk November 14, 2023 When you work with trash, sometimes you find a few treasures… but more often a few head scratchers. Over the years of processing municipal solid waste in Oregon, Juno® Technology Plant Manager Franz Cosenza and his team of...
Juno® Technology Makes a Difference in Oregon
← Back to Trash Talk October 17, 2023 Just outside of Newport and tucked along the Yaquina River, the city of Toledo has been taking some incredible strides towards a more sustainable future. Despite not being well-known, this close-knit Oregon community is making...
A Sustainable Success Story: Juno® Technology’s Impact on Resource Recovery
← Back to Trash Talk August 22, 2023 Think about the constant stream of waste that we as a society add to landfills every day. Juno LLC offers a new technology that can be part of the solution and provide your community with an alternative to landfills. From our early...
Juno Becomes an Awards-Winning Solution
← Back to Trash Talk By Christer Henrikson President, Juno Developing and bringing innovative technology to market isn’t easy or fast. For more than a decade, the team here at Georgia-Pacific has researched better ways to recover more fiber from waste...
Did You Know? What is Anaerobic Digestion
Did you know... What is Anaerobic Digestion? Food waste is a wasted potential – but anaerobic digestion is here to help. ← Back to Trash Talk In the United States 24% of landfilled waste is food waste. Wasted food that is sent to landfill produces methane as it...
Top 3 things going into landfills today
← Back to Trash Talk Landfill capacity is dwindling, and the amount of waste generated yearly is steadily increasing. (1)Current landfill space in the United States is projected to reach capacity by the year 2083. (2)What’s taking up all that space? Food waste –...
Celebrate Earth Day 3 easy ways
← Back to Trash Talk Earth Day is celebrated world-wide every year on April 22. This year, the official theme of Earth Day 2022 is Invest In Our Planet. What Will You Do? We’ve collected a few simple actions below to help you celebrate: Stop - think - recycle Many...
Frequently Asked Questions
What is Juno® Technology?
Georgia-Pacific’s Juno® Technology is a patented waste recovery technology that has the potential to divert up to 90 percent of the commercial and residential waste it processes – diverting waste from landfills and recapturing materials for beneficial reuse. Not only is Juno able to reclaim previously un-recyclable materials, but it can also turn food waste into renewable biogas, and each ton of waste processed through a Juno facility represents up to a one-ton net reduction CO2 emissions.*
The process takes municipal solid waste currently going to landfills from select residential waste streams as well as commercial locations such as office buildings, airports, schools, fast food restaurants and malls. The material is processed and sanitized and the fiber is fed into the paper-making process with old corrugated containers (OCC) to be repurposed into products like corrugated boxes. The processed fiber meets the criteria for food contact packaging in the U.S. Other recyclable materials can be fed back into their respective markets and the food can be converted to biogas.
Juno Technology gives us the ability to capture previously un-recyclable commercial waste, such as cups with plastic coatings or paper-based packaging with food contamination. Commercial sites can send everything for processing through Juno that is not being recycled, with no additional sorting.
*Estimated through the GaBi model and it’s CO2e impact was applied to WARM model 15 output Georgia-Pacific’s Juno® Technology is a patented recycling technology that has the potential to divert up to 90 percent of the commercial waste it processes from landfills and recapture materials for beneficial reuse.
Why is Georgia-Pacific doing this?
In conversations with sustainability-minded companies we hear that they are searching for new solutions to reduce their waste, specifically materials that today can’t be recycled. Many municipalities are seeking waste diversion solutions in their effort to reduce materials going to landfills and pursue zero waste goals.
The paper industry has long used recyclable paper as fiber in our process and set the standard for recovery and reuse of paper. But the simple fact is that too much is still getting thrown out and sent to landfills, and Juno Technology can help change that.
Georgia-Pacific has been researching better ways to recover more fiber and reusable resources for more than 10 years. We’ve now proven Juno Technology is an economical and socially responsible solution to increase recycling and recovery across the U.S. and around the globe.
How do you plan to launch this new technology?
Following a successful pilot of the technology in the Southeast, we completed constuction in early 2021 of our first commercial processing unit in the Pacific Northwest. We are continuing our work and conversations to commercialize this waste solution in cities around the globe.
Where is the waste coming from/going to?
The first commercial unit at our Toledo, Oregon, container board mill accepts residential and commercial waste from the Pacific Northwest. We evaluated several sources of material in the Pacific Northwest, a region where communities have long embraced the importance of recycling and value efforts to divert waste from landfills. This innovation very much fits the local culture.
What percent of the waste you process do you expect to have usable fiber?
We anticipate that on average, about 30 percent of the waste processed will be usable fiber for papermaking.